5 online services to create amazing video presentations

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5 online services to create amazing video presentations

Making video presentations are best done in a professional and creative way so that your business clients will be impressed at the end.

If you decide to do a video presentation, do not sweat it, Jovago.com, Africa's No 1 hotel booking portal shares 5 fantastic online services that can help you in making amazing video presentations. You can still use Powerpoint but the world has vamoosed past this.

A very dependable online service for creating video presentations that you can share on social media and present from anywhere. It can also be created using any device of your choice. One unique advantage of Prezi is that it makes the presentation interactive and conversational.
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Present me
It combines the features of audio and video to wow your audience during a presentation. Present me makes presentation realistic because of the voice and video feature. Also, users are allowed to upload PowerPoint, Google Docs, and PDF if they decide to include video or audio.

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With this online tool, you can select any template from the available ones to prepare your presentation. It can be used to make slideshows, create 3D and video presentations.
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The aforementioned services do not give room for the use of animated characters in presentations. However, with PowToon, you are spoiled for choices as you can create animated videos and presentations. It's done in three stages-record, voice over and visuals. It easy to use.
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This online service is your go-to platform if you are doing a statistical presentation. There are templates for designing pie charts, graphs and bar charts. It also gives users an option to use charts from excel sheet.
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