6 Simple Things You Must do After You Check Into Your Hotel Room
After a long and stressful day gallivanting from one tourist spot to another at any of the amazing destinations like Lagos,
Calabar amongst others in Nigeria, you will be glad to arrive at your
hotel and jump on your bed to sleep. This is what most people will do
especially when they arrive at their hotels in the evening. It is not
advisable to simply flop down on your bed without checking or doing
anything. This action may affect your health and your safety. Jumia Travel, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal shares 6 things you must do when you arrive at your hotel room for the first time.
Sanitize your room
that you are not the only one using that hotel room. Several people
have slept in the room who have different levels of hygiene. Off course,
you expect any hotel to have very clean and decent rooms. However, do
not conclude. It is better to wipe down remote controls, switches, and
even doorknobs.
Remove the bedspread
bedspread or comforter is one of the most used things you will find in a
hotel. The high budget hotels make it a point of duty to change their
bedspread intermittently while the small budget barely replaces them. If
you feel uncomfortable using such a bedspread, you can remove before
you sleep.
Assess the amenities
should also check the available amenities in your hotel room so that
you know what you need. After this is done, you can then call the
reception to request for the other things you desire. This will prevent
avoidable runaround especially when you are leaving the next day.
Examine the fire escape route
do not pray for a blaze in your hotel room. But it is safer to still
check the fire escape route, peradventure there is a fire outbreak. You
are just being proactive.
Hiding spots
spots are easy places to hide unsavory items. You will not know this
but before you let your guard down you should check. You may probably
find something gruesome or an intruder. It is better safe than sorry.
Check for bedbugs
are very difficult to see. They can simply escape when disturbed.
Hence, thoroughly scrutinize your mattress and bed frame in order to
eliminate these bedbugs.